Arrangements 5: Operation cAREER sHIFT, Take 2

It has been a while since I’ve posted and there’s a reason for it.

I burnt out.

When I came to Vietnam, my main goal was to focus on two things:

  1. Focus on doing a 180 shift of the roles my career and passion play into my life.

  2. Stop overworking.

#1 is moving. It’s painstakingly slow but I’m further ahead than I was a year ago. Ironically enough, I didn’t avoid number 2.

Apparently 1 and 1/2 days off (while spending 2 - 3 hours planning on said days), isn’t enough recovery time after a 70 - 80 hour work week.

I’m not lauding this mind you.

It’s incredibly unhealthy and many people do it.

The goal isn’t to break yourself into tiny pieces while vying for a dream.

I’m currently on a contract break and it has lasted for two months. These two months have basically been me rebuilding myself emotionally and spiritually. Nothing is broken but I was definitely battered. I told myself - I can work like a dog in an environment I’m comfortable with. Something has to change or I need to return home.

Something was indeed changed.

A lot of things I wanted to do for myself got thrown by the wayside, including an imbalance of what I consider to be the trifecta - three things that I need to have a handle on in order to feel at peace.

Two months seems like a long time (it is and I’m grateful that I can take it) but I am coming out of this with a new attitude, desire, and approach to this journey. One I’ll be announcing next week!

Also, I have still been working but I plan to take 5 days off this week (looking at YOU music) and four days next week. This is part of a yearly plan that I am instituting.

When I return home (wherever that is) I want to already have put into practice a style of living and working that is maintainable and healthy.

I keep slipping but I realize I’m closer to actualizing that with every backslide..

Anyway, thanks for reading! I’ll be back again (posting and streaming) in a couple of weeks!
